Channing Intrinsic Value Small-Cap Fund Institutional Share Class:
The Channing Approach
Channing is a Chicago-based boutique investment management firm providing investment advisory services to institutional investors. Since our founding in 2003, we’ve managed our portfolios with a single disciplined approach: Intrinsic Value. Our research-intensive process allows us to build portfolios positioned to generate solid long-term performance.
Portfolio Strategy
In seeking long-term capital appreciation, Channing’s investment team utilizes a fundamental, concentrated, bottom-up value investment philosophy that focuses on high quality, undervalued and at times neglected small-capitalization stocks. The market capitalization range is approximately $500 million to $3 billion. With our “Best Ideas” approach, Channing looks for companies that are trading at significant discounts to their intrinsic value.
Key Information
Mutual Fund Symbol: OWLLX
Share Class: Institutional
CUSIP: 92046L429
Investment Team

“The central principle of investment is to go contrary to the general opinion, on the grounds that if everyone agreed about its merits, the investment is inevitably too dear, and therefore, unattractive.”
– J.M. Keynes
Important Information
Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses of the fund before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information about the fund, and it should be read carefully before investing. Investors may obtain a copy of the prospectus by calling 833-565-1919.
Distributed by Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC (Member FINRA)
Important Risk Information
Investing involves risk, including loss of principal. There is no guarantee that this, or any, investing strategy will be successful. Value investing involves the risk than an investment made in undervalued securities may not appreciate in value as anticipated or remain undervalued for long periods of time. Small cap investing involves greater risk not associated with investing in more established companies, such as greater price volatility, business risk, less liquidity and increased competitive threat.